Imaginarium Early Learning Foundations

Our Learning Foundations develops children’s understanding of literacy, numeracy, language and science. While educators can develop much of the children’s understanding by engaging in children’s play, educators also need to use intentional teaching strategies.

Literacy - Educators read carefully selected books to children individually or in groups. Children can also choose their own books from those displayed around the room. Children’s literacy concepts are also developed through wall displays and during other curriculum activities such as music and art.

Numeracy – As children play and explore, educators subtly introduce them to early numeracy concepts such as near/far, low/high, first/last, small/large and jerky/smooth. These concepts are then extended more formally as children engage in purposefully selected games and tabletop activities.

Language – Our educators extend children’s language by exposing them to songs, books, spoken words and signs from different cultures. This exposure develops the brain and extends their thinking skills, because it develops children’s understanding of how they think and feel and how others may think and feel differently.

Science – Our educators extend children’s ability to solve problems and to think logically by asking them open-ended questions like “What might happen if we … added/removed this, increased/decreased the amount? How could we achieve this? What might happen if … ? Why do you think this happened?”